Welding in the rain: how to protect yourself from the danger

Welding in the rain is possible, but it is a very dangerous act.

This is because when you weld in an environment with high moisture the risk of getting electrocuted is significantly higher. Therefore, welding in the rain can be dangerous and may pose a very serious risk to your health. There is a danger of electrocution or even worse, death.

In case, if you absolutely must weld in the rain, it is better to wear protective gear and take some precautions, if you want to avoid electrical hazards.

In this article, you will learn why it is dangerous to weld in the rain, the best ways to protect yourself and your equipment, and how you can weld in the rain safely.

welding in the rain

Dangers of welding in the rain

When there is present some moisture, the welding current goes further, than usual. You probably felt the voltage attempting to go up your arm if welded with damp gloves or you could feel it from just holding the welding torch. Even moist palms can produce this effect when it is hot weather.

All welds are made in this large current loop, it does not matter what kind of welding it is TIG, stick, or MIG welding. When you weld and the metal is dry, there is quite a low chance of electrocution.

The welding current may travel quite a big distance when you welding in the rain.

This is because of the fact, thatall the steel has become wet from the rain.

Also, when it is raining and there is a strong wind it can blow your shielding gas away, which will make the welding arc unstable.

Can you weld wet metal?

Welding when metal is wet is quite dangerous. This is because metal and water are both very good conductors. If you plan to weld on the wet metal, the chances of being shocked, or even, killed, increase quite significantly.

So, before you start to weld, it is better to make sure, that the metal is absolutely dry.

There are some kinds of welding, though, that are possible to do, when the metal is wet, such as stick-welding. Some other kinds such as MIG and TIG are not so tolerant to moisture, and because of that, they are not suitable for this purpose.

Stick-welding can be used on a lot more different surfaces, than MIG and TIG welding.

So, stick-welding wet metal is possible, but there are some risks. A simple electrical shock could become worse due to water’s considerable connectivity with electricity.

In any case, it is better to remember, that even with this type of welding, when metal is wet, is quite dangerous and it would be better not to take any risks. But if you still want to try stick-weld on wet metal, keep in mind, that a stick welding machine, used in the rain must be properly grounded.

wet metal

Dangers of the wet conditions

There are other things, other than rain, that can increase the danger of welding. Any moisture can affect the welding, even the sweat.

The fog, mist, and dew can create damp conditions.

Because of that, the humidity level of the atmosphere can increase quite significantly.

If there is water in the welding arc it can cause some serious issues. In case If the air is moist, the water vapors near the arc break down into hydrogen and oxygen gas because of the heat. Porosity and post-welding cracks can become the result of that.

But, there is a quite simple solution. Before you commence, you need to preheat the material. Any quench cracking or hydrogen embrittlement can be quite easily avoided if you do this.

The other danger is sweat. In hot weather, your body can produce quite many of sweat. It will make all your clothes including gloves wet. It can be very dangerous because it increases the chances to get an electrical shock.

You need to be very careful while handling welding equipment, in case your clothes and gloves are getting sweaty. It is better to remember, that an arc welding electrode is always charged with an active electrical current, and if your gloves become drenched with sweat and you touch the electrode you’ve been welding with, you can get electrocuted.

How to safely weld in the rain?

Now we know, that welding in the rain can be quite a dangerous task.

But sometimes there’s an emergency or you have a deadline, or you can not stop your work because of the little rain.

If you have no other option but to weld in the rain, then you need to take some precautions, that will minimize the risk.


Always stay dry

You need to try to stay as dry as you can. Even if your body will be a little sweaty, this is still can increase the risk of electrocution. Also, in case if you work in a relatively wet or dump area is already quite dangerous. If the welding equipment will come in contact with any kind of moisture, it can create a very risky situation.

Every welding gear keeps you safe from electricity because it has a special design. But, in case it gets wet, it becomes less effective. So, you need to make sure, that you always have the safety gear on.

If somehow, the arc gets exposed to rain, you should quickly shut it down, as fast as you can. After that, you need to take a dry piece of cloth and wipe off any moisture over it before restarting.

Use an appropriate gear

If you want to protect yourself from the rain, and other kinds of moisture you will need proper protective gear. Before you start to weld, it is better to make sure, that you have all the welding equipment, that is needed.

For the start, you need to put on a dry pair of heavy welding gloves.

You should do this because your skin needs protection from the welding gun.

Also, you will need welding boots, that have strong rubber bottoms. They will help to protect you from the water. In case you’re standing in water, rubber boots will help insulate you from the ground.

You need to be more careful during hot summers, because your hands can become very sweaty, and you may even not notice how wet your gloves are getting.

Countercheck your ground clamp and lead

The next thing that must be done is using your weld ground clamp and a lead cable should be checked for any cracks or rips. You have to do this because all power travels through these wires, and if any of them go exposed, there can be the danger of electrocution.

If you want to get rid of this problem you need to wrap or replace the cable with electrical tape. Also, it is better to make sure that none of these wires is in the water.

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Use a cover

While you welding it would be better if you and the equipment will be covered by something. You can solve this problem by using an umbrella or a plastic sheet.

You can keep the welding surface dry by covering it. Also, you will have more chances to get a stronger and more attractive weld.

Also, you need to try to shield the welding machine from the rain. You probably won’t get an electric shock, but your welding machine can be quite seriously damaged because of the rain.

Postpone the work or do it indoors

In case it is raining hard outside, it would be ideal if you postpone the work entirely.

But, if you’re welding anything in your free time, it would be great to wait until the weather gets better.

However, there are some situations, when you can’t do this. If you can’t postpone the task, it is better to bring it indoors if it is possible.

Welding indoors has its advantages. If you weld indoors it can help you to make a better atmosphere and you can produce better welds, as a result.

Also, you do not need to worry that your shield gas will be blown away by the wind.

So, welding indoors is more convenient, than welding outdoors. However, in some situations is not always possible to work inside. For example, sometimes you can’t bring inside certain items, because they are too large or heavy to lift.  

Opt for oxy welding

You might also consider switching from a welding arc to an oxyacetylene welder during inclement weather.

It has one big advantage. This welding type doesn’t use electricity. Instead, it uses oxyacetylene gas. Hence, this kind of welder is a good choice in case you want to weld in rainy or wet conditions.

Oxyacetylene welding uses a combination of oxygen and acetylene within a hand-held torch to form a flame. The flame often can reach quite impressive temperatures of about 5792ºF. And you can quite easily regulate the amount of oxygen and acetylene gas combined. This is very convenient.

opt welding

Frequently asked questions

Does OSHA allow welding in the rain?

According to OSHA’s standards, it isn’t illegal to weld in wet conditions. But, that fact doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to do. OSHA recognizes situations using electrical equipment in contact with water as a hazard.

Therefore, employees must be provided with a safe and hazard-free environment by their employers. The employees should get proper protective gear such as gloves and welding boots. Also, it is better if the work area will be covered to prevent the welding equipment from getting wet.

Why is it important to not weld when everything is wet?

To weld in such a situation can be very dangerous because your protective gear will get wet and then conduct electricity. If you are wearing it when it begins to rain, your footing may become unsure, and there is can be even the danger of a fatal shock.

Also, it can be quite risky because most welding machines aren’t built for the purpose to work in wet conditions. The engine drives are very convenient, and they can be used for mobile welding, but they are not waterproof.

Although engine drives can work even when the weather is bad, water can enter the machine’s vents, and electrical difficulties can become a result of that.

So, working with wet welding equipment is not the best idea.

How do you weld safely in the rain?

As it was already sad, if you want to weld in the rain, then there is should be taken some precautions. You will need personal protective equipment, which includes thick welding gloves and thick boots.

If it’s raining, put on thick rubber gloves. With their help, you can avoid electrical shock.

It would be very good if you always be wearing proper welding boots, while you weld in the rain. The boots will help you to avoid electrical shock. They will be especially helpful if you work standing in the water.

So, if you are welding in the rain it is better to ensure your gloves, clothing, and boots stay dry.

Can you weld while standing in water?

No, it is better not to do this. If you are welding while standing in water, there is a quite high chance, that you can hurt yourself.

Therefore, is not such a great option. In case you can not stop the task and have to continue, you need to put on long rubber boots.

Although there is possible underwater welding, it must be done only under very controlled conditions and using special equipment adapted to a marine environment with proper insulation.


While welding in the rain is technically possible and not illegal, it’s still not recommended, because it involves a whole lot of hazards. So, it would be better to avoid welding in the rain altogether.

But if for some reason you can’t postpone the task, and must weld in the rain, then you need to take some safety precautions. It will help you to safeguard yourself.

Also Read About The OSHA Standards That Address The Use Of Electrical Welding

Aron Russell

If you have come to my page, then you are trying to learn the correct technique for welding various parts. I can confidently say that you can trust me. I have been studying multiple welding techniques for 20 years. In my youth, I got a job at a factory, where my acquaintance with this technique began.

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