MMA welder: what is a MMA welder and how to use it? 

MMA welding is one of the most common types of welding. Especially often this type of welding is used for the electrode. However, for many people who are just starting to work with this type of welding, there are problems with how to work with it, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of working.

If these problems are relevant to you, then this article will help you. Below you can find information about what an MMA welder is, what types of welding are, what AC / DC electrodes are and what are the advantages of working with them, what is stick welding, and what is its principle of work.

mma welder

Definition of MMA welder 

Let’s move on to the main question of this article, namely, what is MMA welding? MMA is a welding process in which the ignited arc, together with the electrode in the electrode holder, heats up and gets caught, thanks to which the parent metal can easily connect to the electrode and, when cooled, become one solid object.

Also, in this type of welding, it is important to prepare the consumables in advance, namely the metal electrode, to get the filler metal.This type of welding, unlike gas welding, uses an electric current, however, shielding gas can still form due to the melting of the flux coating.

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Usage of MMA welder 

In general, we can say that MMA welding can be used for any object since this type of welding is much more efficient than others.

They can solder materials with huge differences in thickness and components.

Even small MMA inverter welders can solder a wide range of materials, which allows this tool to be used almost anywhere due to its compactness.

Now more and more portable types of MMA inverter welders are being developed, although they can be similar to other types of welding, such as the production of shielding Gas, however, users can still use these welders even in wild conditions, such as field or forest.

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AC electrodes and DC electrodes 

The quality of AC or DC also determines the quality of the welder.

Below you can find information that will help you understand which type of current is best used for welding.

Benefits of AC

AC welders are very affordable as most companies use them and they are cheaper than DC welders.

Also, the AC machine does not have any mechanical parts inside, so it requires much less maintenance.

Limitations of AC

On the other hand, they do not have iron, which makes precipitation worse. Also, when using AC, it is much more likely to suffer from an electric shock, because they most often do not have high-quality protection.

Benefits of DC

First, DC has a greater range of use, as you can deposit both anodes with iron and anodes without iron. Also, the welding itself looks more accurate. Very often, DC devices can use not only electricity but also other energy resources, such as fuel, which is especially convenient if you are not indoors.

Limitations of DC

On the other hand, you will have to overpay for DC devices, and also because of the mechanism inside, you will need to regularly attend maintenance.

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MMA welder working principle 

After you learned about the term MMA welding, it might seem to you that working with it is simple and does not require additional guidance, but this is not so.

Below you can find information about the working principle of MMA electric arc welding to obtain a strong and high-quality connection between the metal and the electrode.

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Pertinent rod

First, you need to make sure that the rod you will be using for MMA welding is completely suitable for the base metal. Moreover, you must know in advance exactly how long it will take for the rod to start melting the arc with its heat.

MMA welding angle 

Secondly, it is very important to learn the correct MMA welding angle in advance to successfully solder materials.

You can seek help from experts who will help you understand exactly how to place the welding gun to get the perfect weld.

Welding current 

And finally, you must make sure that you choose the right welding current so that the electric arc can get enough energy to melt the base metal. Also, check the condition of the arc and make sure it fits your welding machine perfectly.

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Advantages and disadvantages of manual metal arc welding

Manual metal arc welding is a welding system that also has more than just good or bad sides.

Below you can read in detail the advantages and disadvantages of MMA welding to understand exactly whether it is right for you.

Benefits of MMA welding 

Let’s start with the advantages since metal arc MMA welding has enough of them. Firstly, this welder can most often be portable, which makes it easy to use in different conditions.  

Also, this welding system, as mentioned earlier, has a wide range of uses, since due to its principle, completely different materials can be soldered. Moreover, this welding allows you to make a more resistant coating from metal.

Limitations of MMA welding 

However, even this system has its drawbacks. Firstly, this procedure is not always convenient, since flux coating is a rather brittle material and the anodes are not very good in length.  

Furthermore, MMA welding takes longer due to the nature of the anodes it uses, which makes it difficult to use this type of welding in situations where you need to quickly solder some materials.

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Stick welding 

Any stick welding has the same working method. The arc, together with the electrode, is heated from which a seam is created, made of the electrode and metal. Stick welding is most often associated with MMA since it is in this welding machine that the electrode is most often used.

Also, people often call MMA welding exactly stick welding, since the device has characteristic sticks of electrodes that are not found on any other device. Also, stick welding is ideal for fine work and creating thin and inconspicuous welds.

Working principle 

The principle of operation of stick welding is the same with all devices. First, you need to use an electrode holder and connect it to the welder.  

Then make sure that the electrode itself is firmly held inside the holder during stick welding.

Under the influence of electricity, the electrode begins to interact with the filler metal, from which the arc ignites and the welding process occurs.

Also, stick welding does not require the release of additional gas, as, for example, MIG welding, since the shielding gas is already formed as a result of the melting of the flux coating.

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What is MMA welding used for?

MMA welding is used to create a weld, as a result of the melting of the electrode and metal. However, the range of materials that MMA welders can work with is quite wide. For example, you can use aluminum alloy or cast iron. However, how accurate and successful welding is will depend not only on the material but also on other factors, such as AC or DC power supply.

Is MMA the same as MIG welding?

MMA and MIG are completely different welding systems. MMA creates a shielding gas at the entrance of the melting of the electrode coating in cooperation with the based or filler metal, however, it does not use gas during welding.  
MIG, although it also releases a protective gas, however, it is the gas that causes the melting process to begin, so it cannot be said that MMA and MIG are the same processes.

What is the difference between TIG and MMA?

On the one hand, both MIG welding and TIG welding use gas for the welding process itself, but they also cannot be called the same welding systems. First, TIG is a much more energy-intensive process and will not be suitable for all types of material. Secondly, TIG uses a tungsten electrode, which directly distinguishes it from MIG welding.

What is MMA inverter welding? 

In general, MMA inverter welding is also ordinary Welding welding, however, many users believe that manual metal arc MMA inverter welding can be called precisely portable types of welding equipment that do not need a constant welding power supply.

What are the 4 types of welders? 

MMA welding is not the only type of welding you can use. Below you can find information about the different welding methods and a brief description of their capabilities.

Gas metal arc welding

This type of welding uses a special gas that causes two objects, such as metal, to melt and fuse. The arc welding process is very common, however, due to the nature of the structure, you will not be able to use the welder portable, as you need a stable power supply.

Gas tungsten arc welding

This welding process also uses gas, but is considered slightly more energy intensive and takes much longer, making it less popular. This type of welding uses a tungsten electrode, which makes it different from the previous type of welding.

Shielded metal arc welding

Shielded metal arc welding is considered one of the most common, as a fairly simple technique, welding is done with a special stick welder.

Flux-colored arc welding 

You most often noticed this particular type of welding on construction sites, since with its help you can quickly create a connection between metal objects of different sizes at the same time the process is very fast and energy-saving since you will not need constant power source support.


MMA stick welding, although it seems to be a rather complicated process, has a huge number of advantages that significantly distinguish it from other types of welding. And this system is distinguished not only by physical characteristics, such as a weld pool or weld bead but also by the principles of operation, application, and strengths, such as portability.

However, even with this system, the main thing is to fully understand how to work, to get the best possible and high-quality result, in the form of a neat weld. Furthermore, it is important to understand different types of welding to get a weld that suits you the best.

We hope that after reading this article, you will understand much more deeply what exactly manual metal arc welding means, what are the four types of welding and how they differ from each other, what are the pros and cons of AC and DC electrodes, and what are the advantages of working with MMA welding.

Also Read About Different Types of Welding

Aron Russell

If you have come to my page, then you are trying to learn the correct technique for welding various parts. I can confidently say that you can trust me. I have been studying multiple welding techniques for 20 years. In my youth, I got a job at a factory, where my acquaintance with this technique began.

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