Can you weld zinc plated steel? [All that is essential to know]

Can you weld zinc plated steel? Zinc-plated steel has a coating of zinc that can quite easily protect against corrosion. A fairly common worry is if such steel can be welded at all, especially if you consider the melting properties that are usually involved with welding the metals with a zinc coat.

The answer to this question is yes; you can weld zinc-plated steel. But, it requires particular knowledge and training due to certain risks.

So, it is essential to take safety measures against fairly harmful fumes created while the welding process is on.

In this article, you will know about the risks you can face during the welding of zinc-coated steel and some extra actions that should be included in welding zinc-plated steel.

can you weld zinc plated steel

Why is steel shielded with a layer of zinc?

Although steel can be considered quite strong, it’s still prone to oxidation. It can happen when the surface is exposed to some moisture

Zinc plating is mostly used to protect steel from rust.

When it has a zinc coating, it can provide quite good protection against weathering conditions

Is zinc-plated steel and galvanized steel the same thing?

With passing time, steel can start to damage due to the corrosion of metal. Galvanizing or plating steel with zinc can help to prevent it from corrosion quite efficiently.

In some cases, people are not aware that zinc-plated steel and galvanized steel are quite different things.

This is probably because, in both cases, metals are shielded with a layer of zinc that is able to give quite good protection against almost any oxidation.

But these kinds of steel are not the same. Zinc-plated steel has a quite thin layer of zinc.

Galvanized steel is usually shielded with a thicker layer of zinc. Such kind of zinc coating on this type of steel can give reliable protection from rust.

The way of making zinc-plated steel reminds of the way of creating galvanized steel. But there is one quite big difference.

Electric current is used for the purpose of making zinc plating, while the hot-dip method is used for the creation of galvanized steel.

Hot-dip galvanizing is presumably one of the most well-known ways of galvanizing steel. During this particular technique, you should smelt zinc particles. You can do this with the help of the furnace. After that, you need to submerge steel in the molten zinc.

Also, zinc-plated steel is better fitting for the purpose of the welding. Weld galvanized steel is a little harder.

What are the health hazards provoked by inhaling zinc fumes?

In case you are welding zinc-plated metal, it would be good to know that there can be some dangers. When the weld pool begins to melt, zinc starts to release a quite dangerous toxic fume

This can induce severe results on the health of the welder, such as respiratory issues.

So, it is quite important to know the health problems that can be induced when the fumes of vaporized zinc are inhaled.

Metal fume fever is quite a famous respiratory problem. It can be provoked in case you inhale zinc fumes.

Despite the fact that the effect on your health is lasting not for so long, it still can be quite harmful.

The symptoms of this illness are usually fairly similar to the usual flu. Fever, headaches, thirst, and vomiting are among them. Such a condition can continue for 48 hours after inhaling the fumes.

There can be some quite serious health issues, including lung cancer and brain cancer. Also, sometimes, it can affect your nervous system.

If you have some worries about the dangers of vaporizing the zinc coating, in this case, you can grind the original zinc coating away in the place that surrounds the welding zone.

Also, afterward, you should reapply the coating. You can do this by using paint made with zinc dust, or you can use zinc spray.

Now, you know that zinc fumes can be very hazardous. Right before you commence welding the galvanized steel or zinc-plated steel, it would be good to take some extra measures.

Safety measures

Now you have learned that there can be some particular dangers when welding galvanized steel or zinc-plated steel.

In order to increase your level of protection, it is good to take some extra actions for additional safety:

  • Your welding mask should be always put on before you begin to weld.
  • For your work, it is advisable to use low-temperature welding tools. If you choose these items, they will not reach a temperature that gets too high, and the zinc layer won’t be vaporized. Oxy-acetylene and zinc filler rods will suit perfectly for this purpose.
  • Just before you embark on your work, it is better if the zinc coat will be scraped off from the welding area.
  • If you have a zinc-plated steel sheet that you are planning to weld on, then the zinc coating layer can be removed. 

Actions you need to take when welding zinc-plated steel

These particular actions can help you to weld zinc-plated metal successfully.

Also, you can use these instructions for welding galvanized steel as well. So, it can be very convenient:

  • Use safety equipment The first thing is that you always should have protective gear on, because of the risks to your safety provoked by very dangerous fumes. It will give you perfect protection from toxic fumes. The safety gear usually includes a few things, such as a helmet, welding gloves, and other items for protection.If you happen to work indoors, you need to make sure the windows are open constantly. They should essentially stay open in order to release harmful toxic fumes from your workplace.
  • Make the surface cleanThe second step is that the welding surface of the zinc-plated steel should be cleaned before any welding process is commenced. You can do this with the help of a grinder or sandpaper.If you are welding thin materials like sheet metal, then the zinc should be removed on both sides of the material.
  • Clamp the chunks of metalThe next step is, you need to adjust the zinc-coated plates with the help of the welding clamps. You have to do this if you wish to avoid making welds that will not be stable. 
  • Choose the right welding rodIt should be fitting for handling various sizes of metal. So, it is better if you take your time to select the perfect rod for your work.
  • Commence weldingWhen you have scraped off the zinc, you need to commence your welding work.This process is quite standard, so a usual welder should fit to weld a steel base, that is zinc-less. The particular way is also very universal, it will allow welders to use tungsten inert gas (TIG welding) and gas metal arc welding (MIG welding).

While welding galvanized or zinc-plated steel, it will be useful to follow these particular steps.

With their help, you will have quite a successful welding project.

Also, there are various methods that you can choose from to weld steel that has a zinc coating. Gas tungsten arc welding and oxyacetylene welding are included in this list. 

Also, stick welding is suitable for welding zinc-plated steel.

weld zinc 2

Frequently asked questions

What happens if you weld on zinc?

In case you weld on zinc, it is better to remember that its boiling point is quite low. This can provoke some issues for welders. If your welding temperature is becoming too hot, this could vaporize the zinc.

It can cause a release of harmful and fairly toxic gas that causes symptoms that resemble the usual flu.

What are the dangers of welding zinc plated steel?

For example, if you are going to weld zinc-plated steel, it can provoke the vaporization of zinc, leading to the releasing of zinc fumes, which can be quite harmful to health.

So, there can be a danger of metal fume fever, a quite well-known disease. Fever, headaches, and vomiting are included in the possible symptoms.

Why can’t you weld zinc?

When welding zinc-plated steel, the zinc coating fairly easily vaporizes. This can form zinc vapor.

It may have short-term, but quite harmful effects on your health. Welders may have symptoms that resemble the flu if they inhale the fumes.

Can you weld zinc plated chains?

Yes, you can do this. Such a chain has a relatively thin coating of zinc. Although zinc plating protectsthe steel from rust, it is only a cosmetic coating. This plating cannot offer a great level of protection against rust. It should only be used in environments that are not very corrosive.


It is possible to weld zinc-plated steel. But it is better to remember that there can be some dangers.

So, it is important to take some safety actions to minimize the possible dangers to your health that can be possible by welding zinc-plated steel.

And additionally, you always should have suitable equipment for welding and protective gear of high quality. Also, it is essential to check equipment regularly.

There are some extra steps that you need to take before you commence to weld galvanized or zinc-plated steel.

In any case, if you are careful enough, you will be fine and eventually end up with a perfect result

Read More: Welding of Coated Steels

Aron Russell

If you have come to my page, then you are trying to learn the correct technique for welding various parts. I can confidently say that you can trust me. I have been studying multiple welding techniques for 20 years. In my youth, I got a job at a factory, where my acquaintance with this technique began.

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